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Coaching That Makes a Difference


Are you feeling stuck in your proposal, application, or a section of your dissertation?

Do you need help finding clarity, direction, and the right phrasing?

I can help you move through this obstacle by providing both written and oral feedback.

up to 1500 words


Written MS Feedback Only

USD 150

Live Written and Oral MS Feedback in Session (60 min)

USD 250


Feeling stressed, stuck, or overwhelmed by your writing goals? 

I can help you trade stress and overwhelm for clarity and joy so that you can meet your goals within months!

You can transform your practice and meet your goals without sacrificing your wellbeing.


All coaching sessions are offered in person and over the phone only. Book a call today. It's FREE!





Initial conversation (15 min)  FREE


Intake Session (75 min)

(included in all packages)

USD 250

when booked separately



Afternoon with a Coach

One 3-hour session

USD 555

If you don't have months to transform your writing practice over time, but need to

make a radical change, this is a chance to clear as many obstacles as possible in one afternoon,

identify limiting beliefs, develop a strategy and a detailed routine tailored to you!


Writing Ninja

5 weekly sessions

USD 1050

Focus your writing practice! Learn how to swiftly chop off all unhelpful thoughts and beliefs

and liberate your writing practice from all unnecessary distractions.

Find clarity and joy and start enjoying your writing every day!



Nourish the Writer Within

3 months (13 sessions)

USD 2555

Break up with your inner critic and nourish your writer within! Enjoy a tailored support and accountability system designed to help you meet your short-term goals and start or finish a single project.



Liberate Your Writing and Your Life

6 months (26 sessions)

USD 4999

Redesign your practice and your life to support your dreams!

Experience tailored weekly support designed to help you discover your goals, design a powerful strategy, and

develop a detailed weekly routine, so you can meet your goals and feel inspired by your own process!



When you feel ready to make your dreams a priority and transform your life

through a unique coaching experience tailored to your vision and values,

book a FREE call and discover how powerful and fearless you can be!

Notebook and Pen


Are you feeling stuck at the crossroads? Are you ready to get curious about your life

and the choices you are facing? Discover your direction, purpose, and strength!

Remove the obstacles and start moving towards the life you want to be living.

I can help you create a clear direction and a map to navigate your journey!


Initial consultation (15 min)     FREE 

See all packages above!


Get in touch today. Let's make your writing dreams a reality.

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